My first foray into recipe alterations came from a pumpkin and chocolate chip cookie recipe. I LOVE pumpkin. I'm not brave enough to use the shake mixes to make cookies, so I decided on a shake. I was super excited to figure out how to make a shake using this cookie recipe. My creation turns out pretty good, even Dusty thought so.
Chocolate Pumpkin Shake
2 scoops of Chocolate Body FX
1/2 cup frozen pumpkin purée
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp brown sugar Stevia
Blend in blender. Enjoy!
After that, I started searching for FFN Friendly soups for my sickly husband. What better to open up the nasal passages, right? After some searching, I came across one to tweak. Here's the result-
Not being real sure about the FFN Friendliness of this soup, I texted my sponsor and coach Penny to ask her. She approved, provided you use low-fat, low sodium kielbasa. I would not suggest a WHOLE bowl of this. Limit yourself to 1 cup because there's really a lot of protein in here! Plus, thermic veggies included! FFN Score!!!!
I love eating good in my FFN 'hood! Won't you join me?