Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New UBC starts now!

I always keep an active FirstFitness Nutrition Ultimate Body Challenge going for several reasons. One, I can score FREE products! I love free stuff! Everyone who completes their challenge, whether they be a customer or distributor, gets a coupon for $100 in free product. Plus, you get a beach towel. I have quite the collection of beach towels. 

Another reason I keep an active UBC going, is because as a distributor it helps hold ME accountable. I can't get too far off my program because I have results to post at the end of my 90 days. Someone WILL see my photos. Generally, my goals involve being active and staying healthy and maintaining. I can't go gaining all my weight back (or even just a little) and have YOU trust me to help you reach your goals, right? I can't imagine buying product from someone who can't show me their results and/or that they've maintained. Know what I mean? I consider myself my best marketing tool. What you see is a lot of hard work to eat right on a regular basis and workout. We all know that's what we NEED to do, we just don't always do it. I know if I don't stay on track, I most definitely WILL gain my weight back. Can't have that happening. My program does work. It should instill a lifestyle in you. One that you know will work for the long-term. I'm not saying its easy. But it is doable. And you can reward yourself. Just remember ice cream (or whatever your dessert of choice may be) is a treat. A treat is something you have on occasion. Not every day or a couple of times a day. ;)

And finally...my main reason for keeping an active UBC is that in order to SELL you products that I KNOW works, I have to BELIEVE in them. I must be a product of the product--YOU should see that I've gotten results from products that I trust. And I have. 60 pounds lost. The first 34 came off super fast (in 45 days) back in he fall of 2011. The remaining 26 have fallen off as a result of my continuing to live my new lifestyle and becoming more active. I've done things in the last year I wouldn't have dreamed of doing just 3 years ago. I've run a couple of 5k races. You can find me in the gym, knowing pretty much what those crazy contraptions in the weight room do and actually lifting weights. Or doing different fitness classes, like Barre (which I love!) or HOT yoga (which I love yet I despise). And a bootcamp here and there. Or at the softball fields, getting picked by the girls to be the mom who competes to win "Lose your lunch" and actually winning! (See Facebook for proof!) 

You see, while FFN got me started on my weight loss journey a few years ago, it has done so much more than just helped me lose weight. I'm happier, healthier, wealthier (we can talk about that if you're interested) and my family is too! 

I'm not sure what you're waiting for...but I understand. It took me almost a year to commit to this program and these products.  But I'm so glad I did! 


P.S. My day 4 weigh/measure day is tomorrow! Eeeeekkkkk! Super excited!

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