Monday, May 4, 2015

Ramblings and other stuff

This week is going to be super tough! It's Cinco de Mayo & we are having a potluck at work. You know what that means...either eat to stay on track or eat to avoid offending  your co-workers. I'm probably going to wind up offending some people because I just started a 30 day challenge! But a girl has to stay on track...

For my 30 day FFN Ultimate Body Challenge, I decided to do Alexa Jean Brown's Sore-To-The-Core 30 day Ab Challenge and her 30 day Butt/Leg Challenge. This should be fun. You can find her on Instagram by looking for @alexajeanfitness.  Depending on how this goes, Kayla Itsine's 12 week challenge is next on my agenda. However, I'm not so sure about this working out at home business. I kind of like the group fitness thing. 

This week, my meals are super easy. For lunch, I will be having dinner leftovers. So it goes like this:
Monday-fajitas (without the tortilla), salad and baby bell peppers. 
Tuesday-grilled chicken, side salad and veggies
Wednesday-grilled chicken, brown rice and a side salad loaded with veggies
Thursday-Chicken Salad on Wasa crackers, sweet bell peppers with guacamole and a side salad
Friday-Leftovers from Thursday

Speaking of traveling...I'm super excited about this weekend! I have a few new dustributors attending Super Saturday in Dallas with me. I can't wait for them to see our corporate head quarters! We would love to have you join us!